What's inside?
Well check it out :)
Games from the community
- Supertux (2D platformer)
- Tux Strike back (Supertux extension)
- Noidz2sa v3 (shoot them all)
- Vektar (shoot them all)
- Snake2x (snake clone)
- Heroes (3D snake clone)
- FloboPuyo (PuyoPuyo clone)
- Stris (tetris clone)
- Drill2x Xtreme (puzzle game)
- Tilematch (Bejeweld clone)
- Sokoban (puzzle game)
- Ghostpix (puzzle game)
- Frozen Bubble (Puzzle Bobble clone)
- Sqdef (tower defense)
- Freecell (card game)
- Solitaire2x (card game)
- Chess2x (chess game)
- Squaresliding (puzzle game)
- Blix2x (puzzle game)
- Thruster (abstract shooter)
- Spout (abstract shooter)
Console emulators
- AtariST
- Amiga
- Colecovision
- Gameboy
- Gameboy Advance
- Arcade (Mame, cps2emu)
- Megadrive / MegaCD
- NeoGeo
- Playstation
- Nes
- SuperNES
- Beat2x (+ packs)
- OpenBOR (+ packs)
- Scummvm (+ free games: Beneath a Steel Sky & Flight of the Amazon Queen)
New UI / game launchers
- gipiix (New GUI, /!\ NOT PRE CONFIGURED)
- gmenu2x (New GUI, /!\ NOT PRE CONFIGURED)
- gp2xmb (New GUI, PlayStation UI clone)
A couple of multimedia tools
- GMU (audio player)
- OldPay (audio player)
- PDFview (pdf reader)
- PocketFlash (flash player)
- Mp2x (video player)
Other tools
- BatterieTest (battery level tester)
- Gp2x-write (text editor)
- Calculette (calculator)
- Termula2x (terminal emulator)