OpenSubtitlesDownload logo
Illustration by Franck Helaine. Thanks ;-)

Automatically find and download the right subtitles for your favorite videos!

The subtitles search is done by precisly identifying your video files by computing unique movie hash sums. This way, you have more chance to find the exact subtitles for your videos, avoiding synchronization problems between the subtitles and the soundtrack.

GitHub page Wiki Releases Issue tracker
linux GUI
universal CLI


  • Query subtitles in more than 60 different languages for documentaries, movies, TV shows and more...
  • Query subtitles in multiple languages at once
  • Query subtitles for multiple video files at once
  • Identify videos by computing unique movie hash sums in order to download the right subtitles for the right file!
  • If the video identification fails, a "simple" backup search using filename will be performed
  • Download subtitles automatically if only one is available, choose the one you want otherwise
  • Rename downloaded subtitles automatically to match source video file. Possibility to append the language code to the file name (ex:
  • Detect valid video files (using mime types and file extensions)
  • Use a GNOME/GTK or KDE/Qt GUI depending on your favorite desktop environment
  • Or just use the CLI! Great for automation, and it works on Linux, macOS and Windows
info icon
translate icon

Always synced subtitles in 60 languages!

Detect correct video titles by computing unique movie hash sums in order to download the right subtitles for the right file!

Doesn't get in the way

You are one click away of understanding what's happening in your movie!
download icon
development icon

CLI mode for automation

Fully functional CLI mode for automation. Want your NAS to automatically subtitles your new files? It's easy!

Adjust many settings

  • Language selection obviously!
  • Language codes in file names
  • Manual or automatic selection modes
  • GUI window size, additionnal infos
  • And more!
maintenance icon



python script (zip)
Version 6.3Stable and battle tested! Actually, probably not...
Version DEVLatest development code. If you are feeling adventurous...

GitHub page Wiki Release notes Issue tracker

Installation instructions On the on the wiki page, and always up-to-date!

Configuration instructions To change the search language and more advanced tune-in (optional).

  • python (version 3)
  • zenity (for GNOME GUI)
  • kdialog (for KDE GUI)
  • basic unix tools: wget & gzip (subtitles downloading), ps & grep (GUI autodetection)
  • Quick install (as a nautilus script)
              # Make sure the destination directory for nautilus scripts exits
              mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/
              cd ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/
              # Download the script and make it executable
              chmod u+x