
Do you need help?

WatchFlower has been developed with care and thoroughly tested. But it is not bug-free. You can help us find and report bugs using both email or the GitHub issue tracker. In any case, feel free to contact us to ask any question, suggest a new feature, help with translation, documentation and more!

Thank you for using WatchFlower!

Issue tracker

The preferred way to report problems is through the project's GitHub issue tracker. It allows for other users to weigh in the discussions if they have the same problems or want the same new features.

A GitHub account is required. Issues are public. Please write in English.

Visit the issue tracker


You can use the GitHub discussions board to start discussion threads. It's a more informal way to discuss everything related to this project.

A GitHub account is required. Discussions are public. Please write in English.

Visit the discussions


Email is the most direct way of contact. Make sure to mention the reason you are making contact and be as descriptive of the problem as possible. You can attach screenshot or video if you wish.

Content of the emails stays private. You can write in English or French.

Send an email